Work and Travel 2014
State: New York, (NY)
Location: Bridgehampton NY
Website: http://www.pierresbridgehampton.com/
Business type: restaurant
Number of students: Females: 14 - 16;
Positions: Bussers, Counter sales, Hostess (16 females)
Salary per hour: 7.25$ + tips (it may be 7.50/h)
Estimated h/week: 40
Start range date: 2014-06-15 (it may be earlier)
End range date: 2014-09-15
Dates are flexible
Pierre's restaurant has a high profile of customers and it is important that the staff matches that standard. We are an elegant but casual restaurant. Girls work either at the restaurant or at the Market boutique next to the restaurant. Employer would like to see participants' profiles, along with photos. Students will have to carefully read through the "Pierres Restaurant House Rules". Participants must understand and agree to all of the items contained in that document. The consequence of a no respect of these rules: After three (3) verbal or one (1) written notices, participants' employment at Pierre's Restaurant will be terminated. The manager will make sure that these rules are followed. There is no place for 'I don't know, nobody told me or it is not my job' at Pierre's. For all, presentation is a must. We cater to the rich and beautiful. We require a full body picture, face and profile. No facial pircing. All students must arrive by mid June and must stay until mid-September The students should speak proper English. Busser-7-10. conter sales and hostess-9-10. Students will have to send their flight tickets two weeks before program starts.
Lodging can be provided. Charge 110$ per week, 2 to 4 girls per room.
There may be one meal provided during you shift at work. Important! You are immediately terminated if you are drinking alcohol during your shift or if you are intoxicated.
Lodging can be provided. Charge 110$ per week, 2 to 4 girls per room.
There may be one meal provided during you shift at work. Important! You are immediately terminated if you are drinking alcohol during your shift or if you are intoxicated.

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