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Independent, czyli niezależny!! Chcesz na własną rękę lub z pomocą przyjaciół znaleźć dobrze płatną, satysfakcjonującą pracę w USA?
A może już to zrobiłeś i jedyne, czego Ci trzeba, to wiza J1, bezpieczny i komfortowy przelot do Stanów oraz fachowa opieka i doradztwo?
Pomożemy Ci zrealizować Twoje marzenia! Jeżeli dopiero planujesz pełną niezależność i nie wiesz, od czego zacząć, w FOSTER udzielimy Ci cennych, wskazówek. Program Work and Travel Independent to prawdziwe wyzwanie i wielki krok w stronę samodzielności.
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Work and Travel 2014
State: Vermont,(VT)
Location: Burlington to największe miasto w stanie Vermont, który jest położony przy granicy z Kanadą. Burlington jest położony około 100 mil od Montrealu w Kanadzie.
Business type: Hotel and the store
Number of students: 3-5;
Positions: Cashiers, deli assistants, housekeepers and stockperson.
Salary per hour: $8.5
Employment period:
Start range date: 2014-06 -05 - 2014-06-15
End range date: 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-15
Dates are flexible: Yes
Student daily duties:
Females preffer because of the housing. Good English level.
Housing is provided at one on the companies properties such as the Anchorage Hotel in South
Burlington, Vermont.
Cost is $80.00 per week per person. Two to three people in a room.
State: Alaska, (AK)
Location: Seward
State: Vermont,(VT)
Location: Burlington to największe miasto w stanie Vermont, który jest położony przy granicy z Kanadą. Burlington jest położony około 100 mil od Montrealu w Kanadzie.
Business type: Hotel and the store
Number of students: 3-5;
Positions: Cashiers, deli assistants, housekeepers and stockperson.
Salary per hour: $8.5
Employment period:
Start range date: 2014-06 -05 - 2014-06-15
End range date: 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-15
Dates are flexible: Yes
Student daily duties:
Employer has 18 locations located in the Burlington area and 2 hotels. You will be assigned to a particular location on arrival. You also may be asked to work at multiple locations depending on the needs of the employer. You will be assigned to work as a Cashier, Deli Clerk, or housekeeper depending on the need of the employer and your qualifications. Cashiers: Responsible for greeting customers and accurately processing their purchases. Cashiers are expected to be neat in appearance, patient and friendly. Cashiers must be aware of the merchandise being sold along with the prices and locations in the store. Other duties include keeping the counters clean, coffee should be made fresh, bathrooms and floors will need to be kept clean and trashes need to be emptied. Deli Clerks: Responsible for taking customer orders, preparing food items to order, keeping supplies stocked, and maintaining a clean workplace. General cleaning duties such as trash removal,sweeping floors, cleaning glass deli cases and other duties will also be required.
Females preffer because of the housing. Good English level.
Housing is provided at one on the companies properties such as the Anchorage Hotel in South
Burlington, Vermont.
Cost is $80.00 per week per person. Two to three people in a room.
State: Alaska, (AK)
Location: Seward
Business type: PREMIUM JOB! ! ! INTERVIEWS EVERY WEEK! These are prime jobs in much
demand and fun jobs that any college student (American or otherwise) would love to have for the
summer and the perks are wonderful (free fishing charters, wildlife and glacier tours).
Number of students: in total employer can hire 15 students: 10 Males: 5; Females: 5;
Positions:cashiers, housekeeper, sand kayak guides
Salary per hour: 9 to 11$ per hour
Estimated h/week: 40
Employment period:
Start range date: 2014-05-25 - Latest date to arrive is June 5. Employer can consider later dates as well.
End range date: 2014-09-15
Student duties:
Some jobs have tips (such as kayak guides) that CAN double their wages if they are good at what they do. The Cashier job starts at $9 an hour but after they learn it (usually approx. 2 to 2 1/2 weeks) it goes up to $10 an hour. The kayak guide positions can usually double their wages in tips if they are good at what they do. We can train them if they are athletic "on a scale of 1-10 we look for 8"s, 9"s and 10"s). Their main job is rescuing and safety so they have to be good at English and athletic. We want them to out perform the guests that they paddle with. WE can teach them everything else. The deckhand positions are the most wanted/prized positions of all. We generally will hire employees for any other position and prefer to try them out as deckhands instead because experience has taught us that they either cannot take the hours, the hard work, or they get seasick. They would have to be on random drug testing for the deckhand job as well. Deckhanding is a labor of love and when you findthe right person for that job, it"s hard to get them off the boat. They will want to work all the time. For housekeepers we prefer to have 3 of them on and we rotate them.
FLUENT ENGLISH MORE DETAILS UPON REQUEST! Some jobs have tips (such as kayak
guides) that CAN double their wages if they are good at what they do.
Although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your
job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can
before arriving. All of these positions require standing, bending and walking as well as the possible
use of chemical cleaning products. Positions will most likely overlap, be prepared to do all of the
above duties. You may be asked to assist in other areas at your employer's request so please be
You will be living in a large house with nine other international students. There are 5 bedrooms, two
bathrooms, two large outdoor decks and a gas grill. The house is furnished and is three miles from
work and 1/2 a mile from Lake Michigan.
You can purchase meals at work for $3 a meal. Otherwise you will be responsible for providing your
own meals.
demand and fun jobs that any college student (American or otherwise) would love to have for the
summer and the perks are wonderful (free fishing charters, wildlife and glacier tours).
Number of students: in total employer can hire 15 students: 10 Males: 5; Females: 5;
Positions:cashiers, housekeeper, sand kayak guides
Salary per hour: 9 to 11$ per hour
Estimated h/week: 40
Employment period:
Start range date: 2014-05-25 - Latest date to arrive is June 5. Employer can consider later dates as well.
End range date: 2014-09-15
Student duties:
Some jobs have tips (such as kayak guides) that CAN double their wages if they are good at what they do. The Cashier job starts at $9 an hour but after they learn it (usually approx. 2 to 2 1/2 weeks) it goes up to $10 an hour. The kayak guide positions can usually double their wages in tips if they are good at what they do. We can train them if they are athletic "on a scale of 1-10 we look for 8"s, 9"s and 10"s). Their main job is rescuing and safety so they have to be good at English and athletic. We want them to out perform the guests that they paddle with. WE can teach them everything else. The deckhand positions are the most wanted/prized positions of all. We generally will hire employees for any other position and prefer to try them out as deckhands instead because experience has taught us that they either cannot take the hours, the hard work, or they get seasick. They would have to be on random drug testing for the deckhand job as well. Deckhanding is a labor of love and when you findthe right person for that job, it"s hard to get them off the boat. They will want to work all the time. For housekeepers we prefer to have 3 of them on and we rotate them.
FLUENT ENGLISH MORE DETAILS UPON REQUEST! Some jobs have tips (such as kayak
guides) that CAN double their wages if they are good at what they do.
Although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your
job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can
before arriving. All of these positions require standing, bending and walking as well as the possible
use of chemical cleaning products. Positions will most likely overlap, be prepared to do all of the
above duties. You may be asked to assist in other areas at your employer's request so please be
You will be living in a large house with nine other international students. There are 5 bedrooms, two
bathrooms, two large outdoor decks and a gas grill. The house is furnished and is three miles from
work and 1/2 a mile from Lake Michigan.
You can purchase meals at work for $3 a meal. Otherwise you will be responsible for providing your
own meals.
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