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Independent, czyli niezależny!! Chcesz na własną rękę lub z pomocą przyjaciół znaleźć dobrze płatną, satysfakcjonującą pracę w USA?
A może już to zrobiłeś i jedyne, czego Ci trzeba, to wiza J1, bezpieczny i komfortowy przelot do Stanów oraz fachowa opieka i doradztwo?
Pomożemy Ci zrealizować Twoje marzenia! Jeżeli dopiero planujesz pełną niezależność i nie wiesz, od czego zacząć, w FOSTER udzielimy Ci cennych, wskazówek. Program Work and Travel Independent to prawdziwe wyzwanie i wielki krok w stronę samodzielności.
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Work & Travel Opportunities at Resort At Squaw Creek
Resort At Squaw Creek, located in Lake Tahoe, California, has requested Work & Travel students. Below is an outline of the experience the applicants can expect.
Employment Information
Number of Positions Available: 18
Program Length: up to 4 months plus 30 day-grace period* for
travelling around the USA.(see below information about Grace Period)
Arrival Dates / Start dates:
Earliest arrival date: May 26th 2014
Latest arrival date: June 23rd, 2014
Earliest Departure date: September 15th 2014
Latest departure date: September 25th 2014
Departure Date: J applicants need to depart within 30 days of their
program completion.
Number of Hours per Week: Varies upon demand. (Overtime pay is for work over 40 hours in a work week.)
Schedule: Participants will be having different shifts. Many shifts will be approximately 8 hours. Shifts and schedules may change during the course of the program.
Job Assignment: Host will determine assignments based upon their need and their evaluation of the applicants. Assignments may change during the course of the program.
Uniforms: $40-$100 deposit will be deducted out of first paycheck depending on department and equipment. It will be refunded when the uniform is returned in good condition.
Special notes: Resort at Squaw Creek, one of the most luxurious resorts in the area, is located in a small town in the Lake Tahoe area (Nevada/ California) , 1 hour away from Reno, 4 hours away from San Francisco.
Positions, stipends and Possible Duties
Participants may experience the following positions during the program:
Food and Beverage Workers: $8.00 (plus tips)
Recreation Attendants: $9.00 (plus tips)
Program Contents
Visa type: J-1W&T
Transportation to and from Airport: Not provided by Host. We will provide orientation on how to get to the resort from Reno Airport.
Housing: Not provided by host.
Participants are responsible for finding their own housing. We can assist by introducing small hotels and real state agencies that previous participants have used in 2013 and years before.
Social Security Number: Host will provide Social Security number acquisition assistance
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