Positions: Sales Clerk
Salary per hour: 8.00. May rise later on.
Estimated h/week: 40
Overtime: no
Employment period: 2013-06-15 - 2013-09-15
State: Wisconsin, (WI)
Dates are flexible!
Location, address: Wisconsin Dells, WI
Assist Customer with their purchases and re-stock and clean store. The student is required to notify employer 2 weeks before arrival of date and time of arrival if they would like to be picked up from
FLUENT English.
Accommodation: Yes. 75-85$ per week
Wisconsin, Sister Bay

Business type: Motel and restaurant
Positions: 1. combination housekeeper and restaurant server 2. basically restaurant job
Salary per hour: $7.50, plus tips in the restaurant.
Housekeeping will be paid up to $8.75 per hour.
Estimated h/week: 35-40
Employment period: 2013-06-01 - 2013-09-25
The position is a combination of housekeeping and restaurant work. The house is located about 1/2
mile from grocery and one mile from library and about 3/4 miles from a local bank, so location is
Students can come from early -mid June and must stay till the end of September.
Housekeeping experience would be a plus. Employer needs student with excellent English (8-10
and not lower) an who is traveling alone.
A house about a block from business, easy walking distance.There are about 8 students in the
house.There are four bedrooms which can each accommodate at least two students. 60$-65$ per
Food: Discounts for food
Wisconsin Dells
Positions: Sales Clerk
Business type: Boutique store
Salary per hour: | 7.5$ + bonus/discounts at the end of contract |
Estimated h/week: | 35-45 |
Overtime: | no, but could offer second job |
Employment period: |
2013-05-25 - 2013-09-25 (might be flexible, dependable on personality)
State: | Wisconsin, (WI) |
Description: sales, making store look attractive, register, printing shirts etc. 2 girls to come-early May and stay till 09-01. 2-3 others- come at the end of May and stay till 09-30
Great personalities, outgouing, energetic, motivated to become managers. Great English ( 9-10); 2 girls to come-early May and stay till 09-01. 2-3 others- come at the end of May and stay till 09-25
Accommodation: may help finding housing for ~60/week
Więcej ofert pracy tutaj.
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