Positions: housekeeper, dishwasher, servers
Salary: $750 per month + plus $600 bouns in the end of working period, 40 hours on average.
Desription: Place where you can feel wild west spirit. Working in the ranch surrounded by the amazing nature, mountains, river. Student depending on the position will have to do the main duties of housekeeping, serving and dishwasing.
Requirements: Students should have fluent English, prefer with working experience but not necessary. Chosen candidates will have to fill the application online.
Housing will be for free so as meals!
Salary: $750 per month + plus $600 bouns in the end of working period, 40 hours on average.
Desription: Place where you can feel wild west spirit. Working in the ranch surrounded by the amazing nature, mountains, river. Student depending on the position will have to do the main duties of housekeeping, serving and dishwasing.
Requirements: Students should have fluent English, prefer with working experience but not necessary. Chosen candidates will have to fill the application online.
Housing will be for free so as meals!
Wisconsin, Minocqua, Eagle River, Hayward

Business type: Clothing Retails
Positions: Customers service, sellers
Salary per hour: |
Estimated h/week: | 40 |
Description: Working at stores, sales of clothes, communication with clients. Good English.
Accommodation: Yes. $70per week
Więcej ofert pracy także tutaj.
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