Work and Travel - oferta tygodnia.
Dining Room Staff - Twin Orchard Country Club, located in Long Grove, Illinois, just 30 miles northwest of Chicago, offers a very attractive opportunity for international students who meet the criteria to work in a prestigious private club environment. Twin Orchard has employed hundreds of international students over the years and is proud of its reputation for providing a wonderful employment opportunity in addition to an overall wonderful summer experience for the students. Twin Orchard has two championship golf courses, tennis and swimming facilities. Both the restaurant and banquet areas are heavily utilized by the members, their families and guests throughout the summer season.
Oferta pracy
Region: | Long Grove, IL | Gender Preference: |
Industry: |
Housing: | Required |
Position Type: | Wait staff / Servers | Second Job Possible? |
Start Date: | 19.06.2010 - 26.06.2010 | Pay Rate: | $8 per hour for the first 30 days, possible $9 per hour after 30 days, based on meeting established standards. |
End Date: | 15.09.2010 - 01.10.2010 | Tips and Other Comp: |
English Level: | Advanced |
Job Requirements: | All wait staff/servers will be responsible for general wait staff duties, which require extensive interaction with country club members and their guests and fellow employees including the kitchen staff. Additional duties include typical restaurant and banquet area preparation and light cleaning duties. Wait staff/servers should have an extensive command of the English language, both speaking and understanding and should be outgoing, energetic, friendly and reliable. |
Required skills | Employees must have EXCELLENT command of the English language and previous restaurant or country club experience is preferred but not required. The position requires that potential employees be outgoing, energetic, friendly and reliable. International students will enjoy a high level of respect from fellow employees and the membership and are expected to demonstrate the same characteristics in return. |
Dress Code (incl. Uniforms) | Employees must be in uniform and clean and presentable. Uniforms partially provided by the employer. You must provide black slacks (trousers) and black shoes. |
Grooming |
High standards of grooming and personal hygiene should be observed at all times while at work and on property. A daily bath or shower, clean hair, and tooth brushing are a must. Fingernails must be clean, short, and well manicured. All employees are required to wear a clean, neatly pressed, authorized uniform while working. Males must be clean-shaven and wear their hair above the collar. Females with long hair must secure hair away from the face. No facial piercing or tattoos allowed.
Housing: Housing is free to employees. Housing is contingent on your working for Twin Orchard Country Club. If you are dismissed from your job, you will lose your housing. Housing is dormitory style. Two people to a room, depending on the size of the room, community bathrooms, shared refrigerator and microwave.
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